Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Native Son Quote Significance Pg. 381 -4/16

" He looked out upon the world and the people about him with a double vision: one vision pictured death, an image of him, alone, sitting trapped in the elctric chair and waiting for the hot current to leap through his body; and the other vision pictured life, an image of himself standing amid throngs of men, lost in the welter of their lives with the hope of emerging again, different, unafraid" (364).

I believe this quote is significant because it is very similar to the image of the cross presented earlier in the book. It has two sides, a good and a bad. Bigger sees the people as both hateful and hopeful. He realizes that, though there are those out there that despise him, there are also those like Max and possibly Jan who don't hate him, who really just want him to get justice, but not so ar as death. This is possibly a quote representing Bigger's acceptance of the white race, as he finally acknowledge's the fact that not all white people hate him.

Do you think Bigger will die hating whites?

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